Useful commands

Service operations ⚙️

Check logs

sudo journalctl -u sided -f

Start service

sudo systemctl start sided

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop sided

Restart service

sudo systemctl restart sided

Check service status

sudo systemctl status sided

Reload services

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enable Service

sudo systemctl enable sided

Disable Service

sudo systemctl disable sided

Sync info

sided status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo

Node info

sided status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo

Your node peer

echo $(sided tendermint show-node-id)'@'$(wget -qO-':'$(cat $HOME/.side/config/config.toml | sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')

Key management

Add New Wallet

sided keys add $WALLET

Restore executing wallet

sided keys add $WALLET --recover

List All Wallets

sided keys list

Delete wallet

sided keys delete $WALLET

Check Balance

sided q bank balances $(sided keys show $WALLET -a)

Export Key (save to wallet.backup)

sided keys export $WALLET

View EVM Prived Key

sided keys unsafe-export-eth-key $WALLET

Import Key (restore from wallet.backup)

sided keys import $WALLET wallet.backup


To valoper addressTo wallet addressAmount, uside

Withdraw all rewards

sided tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside

Withdraw rewards and commission from your validator

sided tx distribution withdraw-rewards $VALOPER_ADDRESS --from $WALLET --commission --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Check your balance

sided query bank balances $WALLET_ADDRESS

Delegate to Yourself

sided tx staking delegate $(sided keys show $WALLET --bech val -a) 1000000uside --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y


sided tx staking delegate <TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000uside --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Redelegate Stake to Another Validator

sided tx staking redelegate $VALOPER_ADDRESS <TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000uside --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y


sided tx staking unbond $(sided keys show $WALLET --bech val -a) 1000000uside --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Transfer Funds

sided tx bank send $WALLET_ADDRESS <TO_WALLET_ADDRESS> 1000000uside --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Validator operations

MonikerIdentityDetailsAmount, usideCommission rateCommission max rateCommission max change rate

Create New Validator

sided tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000uside \
--from $WALLET \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--commission-max-rate 0.2 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
--min-self-delegation 1 \
--pubkey $(sided tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker "$MONIKER" \
--identity "" \
--details "I love blockchain ❤️" \
--chain-id side-testnet-3 \
--gas auto --fees 1000uside \

Edit Existing Validator

sided tx staking edit-validator \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--new-moniker "$MONIKER" \
--identity "" \
--details "I love blockchain ❤️" \
--from $WALLET \
--chain-id side-testnet-3 \
--gas auto --fees 1000uside \

Validator info

sided status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo

Validator Details

sided q staking validator $(sided keys show $WALLET --bech val -a)

Jailing info

sided q slashing signing-info $(sided tendermint show-validator)

Slashing parameters

sided q slashing params

Unjail validator

sided tx slashing unjail --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3 --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Active Validators List

sided q staking validators -oj --limit=2000 | jq '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED")' | jq -r '(.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 6)|floor|tostring) + " 	 " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl

Check Validator key

[[ $(sided q staking validator $VALOPER_ADDRESS -oj | jq -r .consensus_pubkey.key) = $(sided status | jq -r .ValidatorInfo.PubKey.value) ]] && echo -e "Your key status is ok" || echo -e "Your key status is error"

Signing info

sided q slashing signing-info $(sided tendermint show-validator)


TitleDescriptionDeposit, uside

Create New Text Proposal

sided  tx gov submit-proposal \
--title "" \
--description "" \
--deposit 1000000uside \
--type Text \
--from $WALLET \
--gas auto --fees 1000uside \

Proposals List

sided query gov proposals

Proposal IDProposal optionYesNoNo with vetoAbstain

View proposal

sided query gov proposal 1


sided tx gov vote 1 yes --from $WALLET --chain-id side-testnet-3  --gas auto --fees 1000uside -y

Last updated