cd $HOME
wget "$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
go version
Install tenderduty
cd $HOME
rm -rf tenderduty
git clone
cd tenderduty
go install
cp example-config.yml config.yml
Open config.yml file
sudo nano $HOME/tenderduty/config.yml
For simple monitoring without notifications, just change these in the config:
Osmosys to <PROJECT_NAME>
chain_id: osmosis-1 to chain_id: <YOUR_CHAIN_ID>
valoper_address: osmovaloper1xxxxxxx... to valoper_address: <YOUR_VALOPER_ADDRESS>
url: tcp://localhost:26657 TO url: tcp://localhost:<YOUR_NODE_RPC_PORT>
Optional If you want to add another node monitoring, you can dublicate this section on conf.yml file
# The user-friendly name that will be used for labels. Highly suggest wrapping in quotes.
# chain_id is validated for a match when connecting to an RPC endpoint, also used as a label in several places.
chain_id: osmosis-1
# Hooray, in v2 we derive the valcons from abci queries so you don't have to jump through hoops to figure out how
# to convert ed25519 keys to the appropriate bech32 address
valoper_address: osmovaloper1xxxxxxx...
# Should the monitor revert to using public API endpoints if all supplied RCP nodes fail?
# This isn't always reliable, not all public nodes have websocket proxying setup correctly.
public_fallback: no
# Controls various alert settings for each chain.
# If the chain stops seeing new blocks, should an alert be sent?
stalled_enabled: yes
# How long a halted chain takes in minutes to generate an alarm
stalled_minutes: 10
# Most basic alarm, you just missed x blocks ... would you like to know?
consecutive_enabled: yes
# How many missed blocks should trigger a notification?
consecutive_missed: 5
# NOT USED: future hint for pagerduty's routing
consecutive_priority: critical
# For each chain there is a specific window of blocks and a percentage of missed blocks that will result in
# a downtime jail infraction. Should an alert be sent if a certain percentage of this window is exceeded?
percentage_enabled: no
# What percentage should trigger the alert
percentage_missed: 10
# Not used yet, pagerduty routing hint
percentage_priority: warning
# Should an alert be sent if the validator is not in the active set ie, jailed,
# tombstoned, unbonding?
alert_if_inactive: yes
# Should an alert be sent if no RPC servers are responding? (Note this alarm is instantaneous with no delay)
alert_if_no_servers: yes
# for this *specific* chain it's possible to override alert settings. If the api_key or webhook addresses are empty,
# the global settings will be used. Note, enabled must be set both globally and for each chain.
# Chain specific setting for pagerduty
enabled: yes
api_key: "" # uses default if blank
# Discord settings
enabled: yes
webhook: "" # uses default if blank
# Telegram settings
enabled: yes
api_key: "" # uses default if blank
channel: "" # uses default if blank
# This section covers our RPC providers. No LCD (aka REST) endpoints are used, only TM's RPC endpoints
# Multiple hosts are encouraged, and will be tried sequentially until a working endpoint is discovered.
# URL for the endpoint. Must include protocol://hostname:port
- url: tcp://localhost:26657
# Should we send an alert if this host isn't responding?
alert_if_down: yes
# repeat hosts for monitoring redundancy
- url: https://some-other-node:443
alert_if_down: no
Create service file and start tenderduty
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/tenderdutyd.service << EOF
ExecStart=$(which tenderduty)
# there may be a large number of network connections if a lot of chains
# extra process isolation
You can open dashboard on web browser by using tenderduty port and your server IP http://<YOUR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>
Default port on tenderduty is 8888
Turn on firewall to protect your server and open the required port
Default RPC port is 26656, prometheus - 26660 and tenderduty - 8888. if you have custom ports on your node or have another nodes in this server, check it and open custom ports!