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🧙‍♀️Monitoring Tools

COSMOS node protecting and monitoring guide with tenderduty

Update packages and Install dependencies

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl build-essential git wget jq make gcc tmux pkg-config libssl-dev libleveldb-dev tar -y

Install go

cd $HOME
wget "$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
go version

Install tenderduty

cd $HOME
rm -rf tenderduty
git clone
cd tenderduty
go install
cp example-config.yml config.yml

Open config.yml file

sudo nano $HOME/tenderduty/config.yml

For simple monitoring without notifications, just change these in the config:

  • Osmosys to <PROJECT_NAME>

  • chain_id: osmosis-1 to chain_id: <YOUR_CHAIN_ID>

  • valoper_address: osmovaloper1xxxxxxx... to valoper_address: <YOUR_VALOPER_ADDRESS>

  • url: tcp://localhost:26657 TO url: tcp://localhost:<YOUR_NODE_RPC_PORT>

Optional If you want to add another node monitoring, you can dublicate this section on conf.yml file


  # The user-friendly name that will be used for labels. Highly suggest wrapping in quotes.
    # chain_id is validated for a match when connecting to an RPC endpoint, also used as a label in several places.
    chain_id: osmosis-1
    # Hooray, in v2 we derive the valcons from abci queries so you don't have to jump through hoops to figure out how
    # to convert ed25519 keys to the appropriate bech32 address
    valoper_address: osmovaloper1xxxxxxx...
    # Should the monitor revert to using public API endpoints if all supplied RCP nodes fail?
    # This isn't always reliable, not all public nodes have websocket proxying setup correctly.
    public_fallback: no

    # Controls various alert settings for each chain.
      # If the chain stops seeing new blocks, should an alert be sent?
      stalled_enabled: yes
      # How long a halted chain takes in minutes to generate an alarm
      stalled_minutes: 10

      # Most basic alarm, you just missed x blocks ... would you like to know?
      consecutive_enabled: yes
      # How many missed blocks should trigger a notification?
      consecutive_missed: 5
      # NOT USED: future hint for pagerduty's routing
      consecutive_priority: critical

      # For each chain there is a specific window of blocks and a percentage of missed blocks that will result in
      # a downtime jail infraction. Should an alert be sent if a certain percentage of this window is exceeded?
      percentage_enabled: no
      # What percentage should trigger the alert
      percentage_missed: 10
      # Not used yet, pagerduty routing hint
      percentage_priority: warning

      # Should an alert be sent if the validator is not in the active set ie, jailed,
      # tombstoned, unbonding?
      alert_if_inactive: yes
      # Should an alert be sent if no RPC servers are responding? (Note this alarm is instantaneous with no delay)
      alert_if_no_servers: yes

      # for this *specific* chain it's possible to override alert settings. If the api_key or webhook addresses are empty,
      # the global settings will be used. Note, enabled must be set both globally and for each chain.

      # Chain specific setting for pagerduty
        enabled: yes
        api_key: "" # uses default if blank

      # Discord settings
        enabled: yes
        webhook: "" # uses default if blank

      # Telegram settings
        enabled: yes
        api_key: "" # uses default if blank
        channel: "" # uses default if blank

    # This section covers our RPC providers. No LCD (aka REST) endpoints are used, only TM's RPC endpoints
    # Multiple hosts are encouraged, and will be tried sequentially until a working endpoint is discovered.
      # URL for the endpoint. Must include protocol://hostname:port
      - url: tcp://localhost:26657
        # Should we send an alert if this host isn't responding?
        alert_if_down: yes
      # repeat hosts for monitoring redundancy
      - url: https://some-other-node:443
        alert_if_down: no

Create service file and start tenderduty

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/tenderdutyd.service << EOF


ExecStart=$(which tenderduty)

# there may be a large number of network connections if a lot of chains

# extra process isolation

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tenderdutyd
sudo systemctl start tenderdutyd

Now you can see the logs

sudo journalctl -fu tenderdutyd

You can open dashboard on web browser by using tenderduty port and your server IP http://<YOUR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT> Default port on tenderduty is 8888

Turn on firewall to protect your server and open the required port

Default RPC port is 26656, prometheus - 26660 and tenderduty - 8888. if you have custom ports on your node or have another nodes in this server, check it and open custom ports!

sudo apt install ufw 
sudo ufw default allow outgoing 
sudo ufw default deny incoming 
sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp 
sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp 
sudo ufw allow 26656,26660,8888/tcp
sudo ufw enable

Configure Telegram alerting

Open telegram and find @BotFather

  1. Create telegram bot via @BotFather, customize it and get bot API token (how_to).

  2. Create the group: alarm . Customize them, add the bot in your chat and get chats IDs (how_to).

  3. Open config.yml file

  • change enabled: no to enabled: yes


  • channel: "-666666666" to channel: "<YOUR_GROUP_CHAT_ID>"

nano $HOME/tenderduty/config.yml

Restart tenderduty

sudo systemctl restart tenderdutyd && sudo journalctl -fu tenderdutyd

Congratulations! You have set up a monitoring and alert system

Last updated